Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Final Advert

This is our final advert which i think has turned out really well. We decided to use the same pattern behind one of the photographs taken from the digipak. It works well with the cover of the cd being at the bottom because then they relate to eachother. The name 'Katy Perry' and the name of the album 'One Of The Boys' is in bubble writing to make it stand out more and it is also the same bubble writing we used on the front of the digipak for her name so it matches.

Final Digipak

This is our final digipak which has changed a lot from the two drafts that we made. I decided to take a template digipak from google as this helped me with where i needed to place all of my photographs as it told me which was the front cover and which was the back cover. I think the patterned background used behind each photograph works really well and makes it more interesting and eye catching for the audience. The colours used aren't too bright but are still a girly kind of pop colour. We decided to use these kind of purples as they match the colour of the girls dress. We also included our record label next to our name up the side and decided to number the songs on the back because it is easier for the audience to pick a number instead of having to count them all the time.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Draft Digipak 2

This is our second draft digipak. It has turned out better than the first one but still doesnt look eye catching. The background which we changed to black works better than plain white but i still think it needs to be a different colour. The resolution was also set wrong on Photoshop which is why each photograph looks stretched so when we create our final digipak we need to make sure the resolution is set high enough so the photographs dont stretch. I think the digipak may work better if each photograph had the same background behind. We could do this by overlaying a pattern that we create and putting the opacity down. For our final digipak we also need to include our record label and the copyright. I dont think the colour we have used for the cd and back cover work very well with the rest of the digipak because it looks too bright. I think it would look better if we changed the colour to the same as the dress the girl is wearing.

Draft Digipak 1

This is our first draft digipak which hasn't turned out very well so we are going to do some more experimenting. Photoshop wasn't set up correctly as the resolution needed to be 700 which is the reason the photographs have gone blury. The digipak needs more text including the name of the artist, the name of the album up the side and the name of our record label. We also need to include our record label on the back where the names of the songs are. I think the back would look better a different colour, it may look good to use the same colour as the girls dress and i think the text should be placed in the middle and maybe numbered .

December Plans

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Final Cut

This is my final music video which i think overall has turned out really well. I have changed a lot after looking back at the rough cuts as i knew it needed improving a lot. There are now no gaps and i have put in more thought beats as it is a very upbeat song. I also changed the part where i overlayed a clip of the main star with a clip of the arcades as i have put in more thought beats by using different shots of the main star looking angry. I have also added new footage as i filmed more in the studio location, as i said in the annotation of my third rough cut about filming some extreme close ups of the main star's mouth when singing i added some of these too.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Draft Advert 1

This is the first draft advert we made. I don't think it has turned out very well and doesn't look like it would be found in a magazine to sell this song. To improve this i think more colour should be added to fit in with the chosen genre. The writing on the advert needs to stand out more so it is more eye catching, for example a bright colour such as pink could be used and this would also match the colour of the flowers if this image is going to be used on the final advert. There are also other photographs we are going to experiment with to see if they look better as an advert.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

November Plans

This slide shows the plans we had for November which we followed very well and did what each day says.